Spravato Therapy

“I was referred to Ketamine therapy while I was in a black hole of deep depression and unable to function. I had almost given up completely. The therapy reminded me what happiness felt like, reminded me of who I use to be, made me want to feel life again, and opened the door for me to find my sense of self and purpose. I instantly had hope that I could find myself again and I was able to decide that I wanted to live this life.” – JB, St. John Mental Health Clinic of Houston, Ketamine Infusion Patient

About Nasally Inhaled Esketamine Spravato™

Esketamine, or Spravato, is another treatment derived from ketamine that makes powerful antidepressant relief available to be delivered intra-nasally, similar to a common nasal decongestant.

Unlike antidepressants, which need to be taken every day, Spravato is only administered a couple of times each week: Two treatments per week for the first month, then one treatment per week for the second month, and one treatment every two weeks for subsequent months.

Esketamine therapy patients generally report some sedation and disassociation effects during or shortly after the administration of the drug. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, vertigo, or headache.

Before starting esketamine therapy, we will discuss all potential side effects and interactions, and make sure Spravato is right for you.

Esketamine, or Spravato, is the first nasal spray medication that is a treatment for depression. Combined with an antidepressant, Spravato is FDA-approved to treat depression and has been clinically shown to improve symptoms of depression over just 4 weeks.

Compulsions are the part of OCD, which are defined as physical or cognitive behaviors that are performed most often in a ritualistic, routine way in order to relieve oneself from the distressing feelings brought on by the obsessions. These compulsive behaviors tend to relieve the stress or anxiety temporarily and will begin again when the intrusive thoughts enter one’s mind again. 

The intrusive thoughts or “obsessions” are typically not desired by an individual but they are incapable of controlling them.  Patients therefore end up in a looping pattern, performing their compulsive behavior over and over again due to the repetitive intrusive thoughts. Some patients may also avoid certain situations or scenarios that could trigger their obsessions.

Symptoms of OCD can be difficult to detect because there are many routines that are performed by individuals that are not life intrusive.  However, when routines become compulsions that interfere with work, social-life or day-to-day function, this can lead to a poor quality of life. 

Unlike typical antidepressants, Spravato is the only drug that works on the glutamate receptor. (There is no other medication that works like this).
  • Plan to be at our office for 2.5 hours.
  • No food for 2 hours before treatment.
  • You can have fluid up to 30 minutes before treatment.
  • You must have someone pick you up and drive you home after treatment.
  • During treatment you are resting comfortably and being closely monitored
    by our medical team.
  • You can take your regular medications with a sip of water but you need to
    avoid taking any benzodiazepine medication such as: Xanax, Klonopin,
    Ativan or Valium on the day of treatment.

Contact Us Today to Schedule a Consultation in Our Houston Office